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What we do

The ASCEND Collective is a community based effort to bring advocacy for and awareness to underserved talent. To help businesses understand the value these talented candidates bring to an organization and remove the barriers and bias in talent sourcing. 

Everyone deserves the opportunity for employment that values them as a person, appreciates their skills and abilities, and provides them a path to success. Our differences are what make us stronger as a society; expanding and empowering us to maximize our potential as individuals and as a community.

Your Support Counts

90% of your donation goes to advocating for military veterans, military spouses, people with disabilities, and justice-involved communities. These our communities by eliminating barriers to employment through personal branding, resource referrals, and AI-enabled skills-based career matching. We connect talent to opportunity.

Contact Us

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Need resources for networking, education, health and wellness?

We are here to help!

Email: TalentSuccess@theascendcollective.org

The ASCEND Collective (TAC) is an exempt organization as described in section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.